Open Banking PTBR

5 jeitos de acelerar a inovação e envolver seu cliente na era do Open Baking

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8 02 Expand your business ecosystem to enable new digital experiences and external innovation It might seem like Fintechs and other upstarts that were "born" digital have the upper hand over banks that are burdened with legacy systems and processes. They don't. In fact, you have an enviable advantage. Why? Because you and your existing and potential partners already have the account, loan financing, policy proposal, cash management, payment, and other services required for excellent customer experiences – you just need to work together to combine, monetize, and deliver them in efficient and secure new ways that your customers will love. Rather than endeavoring to create the ultimate product or service on your own, focus on leveraging your business ecosystem and using secure APIs to aggregate existing services, create more distribution channels, and share data with partners who might have otherwise been competitors. This will help you keep costs down and free up resources for new product innovation. Take a page from the Fintech playbook Instead of seeing the new digital experiences offered by Fintechs as a threat to your relationships with consumers, merchants, and corporations, use them to improve the customer experience leveraging your deep knowledge of their preferences and behaviors. To accelerate innovation, enhance traditional services with previously untapped data and digital services to anticipate what the customer needs in the moment, and dynamically propose tailored, context-aware services at the right time, through the right physical and/or virtual channels. This way, the customer doesn't have to invest time or effort investigating your offerings because you already know what they want and need. You can redefine the quality and the value of the customer experience by making it connected and personalized everywhere — ultimately making it easier for your customers to do business with you. "If banks can embrace third-party capabilities from Fintechs and others and formulate these into customer solutions, then this provides an opportunity to more deeply embed themselves in customer business processes and to make those processes more efficient and less costly to execute." Robert Langley, Enterprise Architect, Payments, National Australia Bank Watch how APIs rejuvenated legacy infrastructure to allow growth at National Australia Bank

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